lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Backup and restore MorphX Version control II (AX 2009)

I refer you to Shashi's excellent post about how to set up version control with MorphX, when it is necessary to restore the production database over the development one, for example.

It worked for me!  I can't live without version control, and don't understand my colleagues when they don't activate it.

The only addition that I would make is that if Step 5 can't be done because there are no SYSVERSIONCONTROLMORPHXREV2543 rows in the systemSequences table, use the following database inserts to create the dummy rows and THEN execute step 5.

     (-1, 5637144826, 1, 9223372036854775807, 0, 'SEQNO', 2541, 'dat', 1, -1)
     (-1, 5637144826, 1, 9223372036854775807, 0, 'SEQNO', 2543, 'dat', 1, -1)

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