I have just seen the following error on a production server, where no SSRS reports are successfully generated:
El cliente encontró el tipo de contenido de respuesta '', pero se esperaba 'text/xml'.
Error de la solicitud con una respuesta vacía.
The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.
The usual 'restart SQL Reporting Services' did not resolve the issue... This time.
Changing to the application configuration, business intelligence, reporting services parameters it was noticed that neither the Report manager nor the Web service urls worked, They were indeed returning an empty response, aka ''. It's therefore a pure reporting service or network error, and not an AX one as the parameters had not changed.
Finally the solution was found that the hard disk was full, and that no rows could be created in the tempdb database. I presume other faults could produce this error, such as DNS changes, etc.
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