domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

The 'Washed' Layer

When opening up the Compare tool on a modified object we are able to compare the sys layer with our modifications in the var or usr layer, for example. 

There is another option available called the washed layer, as explained from Inside Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 4.0:

A few simple best practice issues can be resolved automatically by a best practice “wash.” Selecting the washed version shows you how your implementation differs from best practices. To get the full benefit of this, select the Case Sensitive check box on the Advanced tab.

Note that if it is an object that we created and is not part of the original framework then the Washed option will be the only one available!  We usually prepend the company name or other three character letters to all objects that we create in the AOT and so I was confused at first why my object had no sys layer.

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