EDT Name | String Size | Notes |
Title | 10 | |
NameAlias | 20 | |
String30 | 30 | Don't forget to create a new Label and HelpText |
String50 | 50 | Don't forget to create a new Label and HelpText |
Str60 | 60 | Don't forget to create a new Label and HelpText |
Name | 60 | |
Description | 60 | |
ErrorTxt | 80 | |
NotesLine | 254 | |
CCNotesShort | 500 | 'Note', 10 lines high on the forms |
SysImportDescription | 1000 | |
LabelString | 1999 | |
Notes | (Memo) | If you use lots of these babies consider creating a separate 0..1 table |
A few observations. CCNotesShort is module specific and there aren't that many generic strings that we can use. When making any new EDT we prepend our vendor code to it. Mega Corp ⇒ MEGString20. I'd prefer to make our own 'generic' EDT such as in the previous example rather than use NameAlias for a 20 length string. The important thing is to reuse them once they're created.
There's more[+]
Rajdip Das has publicised his job for iterating through the EDT looking for strings of a certain length. As is always the case, I can't just copy and paste it, I have to tinker...
/// http://dax-world.blogspot.com/2010/01/edt-find-with-string-length-value.html
/// IDS:20110701 EVE
static void EVE_Raj_EDTStringfind(Args _args)
Dictionary dict;
DictType dictType;
TreeNode treeNode = TreeNode::findNode("Data Dictionary\\Extended Data Types\\ABCModelType");
sysExcelApplication excel;
SysExcelWorkbooks books;
SysExcelWorkbook book;
SysExcelWorkSheets sheets;
SysExcelWorkSheet sheet;
com com;
Integer row = 2;
Dialog d = new Dialog("Input Box");
DialogField dfStrValue;
Integer tmpStringLen = 0;
Integer tmpStringLenMax, tmpStringLenMin; // IDS:20110701 EVE
SysOperationProgress progress = new SysOperationProgress();
// Dialog initialised and accept value and asign
dfStrValue = d.addField(typeId(Integer),"Enter EDT String Length");
tmpStringLen = dfStrValue.value();
tmpStringLenMax = tmpStringLen + real2int(tmpStringLen * 0.25); // IDS:20110701 EVE
tmpStringLenMin = tmpStringLen - real2int(tmpStringLen * 0.25); // IDS:20110701 EVE
throw error("Plaese Enter Valid Number.");
// Excel Object initialisations
excel = sysExcelApplication::construct();
books = excel.workbooks();
book = books.add();
sheets = excel.worksheets();
sheet = sheets.itemFromNum(1);
com = sheet.comObject();
// Heading Initialisations
sheet.cells().item(2,1).value("EDT Name");
sheet.cells().item(2,5).value("Str Size");
// Progress Bar Initialisations
progress.setCaption("Generating Lines");
// loop for searching EDTs
dict = new Dictionary();
dictType = dict.typeObject(dict.typeName2Id(treeNode.treeNodeName()));
//if(dictType.stringLen() == tmpStringLen)
if(dictType.stringLen() >= tmpStringLenMin // IDS:20110701 EVE
&& dictType.stringLen() <= tmpStringLenMax)
progress.setText(strfmt('Copying EDT %1.', treeNode.treeNodeName()));
treeNode = treeNode.AOTnextSibling();
sheet.cells().item(1,1).value(strfmt("Found EDT: %1.", row)); // Count & Print for Filtered EDT
box::info(strfmt("Total EDT Found: %1.", row), "Information");
Have I missed any generic strings that you occasionally use?
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