miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

cannot execute a data definition language command

Hello?  What did I do this time?  Here's the beef, in Spanish:
No se puede ejecutar un comando de lenguaje de definición de datos en  ().  La base de datos SQL ha emitido un error.
Problemas durante la sincronización del diccionario de datos SQL.  Error en la operación.
Error de sincronización en 1 tabla(s)
The table on the right looks innofensive enough but a quick Google finds us the solution. It indicated that I was using a reserved word, such as those defined in the Ax\System Documentation\Tables\SqlDictionary. Within the Ax client therefore I changed the columns Data to LineData, Error to ActionError, Line to LineNo but alas - no joy.

I thought that dropping into the SQLServer Manager would tell us a different story, and came to the conclusion that the Data column must die... Bah still no joy.

Finally we created a brand new table and then start copying columns across, one by one from the original. For each new column it was a case of compiling and then opening the table from the AOT to see if it generated the error... It would appear that the word 'TRAN' is verboten - forbidden, and we never knew. With our new table and a new column name in the database now I have the field with an underscore appended after it: TRANSACTION_. Wierdness.

What I still don't know is where to look for these magic words.

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