miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

AX 2012 SSRS error (rsAccessDenied)

Error while setting server report parameters. Error message: The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
This is a well documented error [1], [2] but this happens all of the time.

1. Open IE on the Reporting Server, with Run as Administator
2. Lets go to http://localhost/reports

3. Select the DynamicsAx installation folder, then Properties, New Role Assignment
Add your AX domain user group or user

4. Check all the checkboxes; Browser, Dynamics Ax Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder.  This is for a development profile.  Be more restrictive for the production environment.
Click OK.
Format: DOMAIN\AXUserGroup
We now have the users added, and there is no need to restart the services to see the changes.

viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Unknown source for data method CrmIntegrationStatus. The method does not exist in the data source or table.

Error. Applying AX 2012, CU6 to an AX 2012 CU1 instance,  the following error was generated after compilation:

Unknown source for data method CrmIntegrationStatus. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Also, we found the following items created in the USR layer?!

Solution: Create the following method in the SalesQuotationProjTable:

// Fix to allow compile of SalesQuotationProjTable form
display NoYes CrmIntegrationStatus()
    return NoYes::No;


Comments to resolve the problem properly most welcome.  In this case new functionality was added with this new version regarding a Microsoft CRM integration, that our client would not be requiring, and perhaps our method should be throwing an 'unimplemented' error.