lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Cannot create a record in Reporting Services entity cache (SRSModelEntityCache). Entity identifier: XXX, An AX view entity. The record already exists.

Creating a new analysis services project I encountered the following error:
Cannot create a record in Reporting Services entity cache (SRSModelEntityCache). Entity identifier: 7542, An AX view entity. The record already exists.
The message is almost trying to be helpful, providing us the id of the object that is duplicated.
Stepping through my various views associated to the perspectives, I realised that I had done a very silly thing(TM).  I would effectively be adding the same entity to the various cubes twice.  In this case to the shared dimensions perspective.

Perspectives under the microscope

Remember that the wizard for generating cubes adds certain views for us.  The following selection would add the offending BIExchangeRateView.  As you can see from the above image, perhaps I should remove other BI* views as well, although BISampleOrgHierarchyView may be okay.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Function SRSTmpTblMarshaller::SendTmpTblToDataProvider has been incorrectly called.

Function SRSTmpTblMarshaller::SendTmpTblToDataProvider has been incorrectly called.
Change the table buffer TableType property used to 'feed' your SSRS report to InMemory.  This is a pain for me as I am working with Tax transactions and wanted the TempDB type, which would avoid storing thousands of rows in the AX client memory.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

An export format or a method of payment with an export format must be specified.

An export format or a method of payment with an export format must be specified.

To resolve the error I had to move the current execution point from the CustVendSumForPaym class, constructor method,  "custVendSumForPaym.getLast();" line to avoid looking in the cache (SysLastValue) and retrieving a payment method format that does not exist.  I was asked to rename a file format method text that I had created, and had referenced this class during my testing.  I tried both clearing the cache and restarting the AOS but was unsuccessful attempting to remove the reference to the previously selected payment settings.

The source of my woes.
Edit: Not tried physically deleting the UAC (Ax User cache) file.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

SQL DB backup and restore data

We're performing a database backup and restore across a different AOS instance today (AX 2012 R2).  Great fun.  Fortunately in my case we are doing it within the same domain which helps considerably.

The first thing to do is perform the SQL Backup of the server, so that we can then apply a restore on a different AOS installation. Before that though, see the fantastic MSDN blog post 'Moving between Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Environments' and it's asociated Word document.  Note the comment about checking that the two installations must be of the same 'state' to be able to do this.  It's essential to have both services with the same patches and models applied.

Below is my thrown together list of SQL commands I've generated while going through the document attached to the blog, adding a few of my own entities such as the DMF framework parameters.  Run the select commands below and write the output to a file, before performing the restore to ensure that you have the original values saved somewhere.  The Make sure to change the <01@NewAOS> and <02@OldAOS> placeholders with the actual AOS instance name.  Also the server names for <SRV01> (and <SRVDB> for the reports/cubes/db) and <SRV02> placeholders will require changing.  I've not needed to create scripts for saving users across domains, as I said before.

-- ESSENTIAL: Verify the Kernel and Application versions in the Database 
print '>> Kernel and Application versions'
select * from SYSSETUPLOG where DESCRIPTION = 'finished' order by CREATEDDATETIME desc

-- AIF, check for more than one Web site!
print '>> AIF'
select * from AIFWEBSITES
update AIFWEBSITES set URL = 'http://SRV01/MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60' where URL = 'http://SRV02/MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60'
update AIFWEBSITES set NAME = 'SRV01-Default Web Site-MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60' where NAME = 'SRV02-Default Web Site-MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60'
update AIFWEBSITES set VIRTUALDIRECTORYSHARE = '\\SRV01\MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60' where VIRTUALDIRECTORYSHARE = '\\SRV02\MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif60'

-- Batch and AOS
print '>> Batch and AOS'
select * from SysServerConfig
select * from BatchServerConfig
select * from SysClusterConfig

select * from BatchServerGroup
select * from Batch

update BatchServerConfig set SERVERID = '01@NewAOS' where SERVERID = '01@OldAOS'
-- SysServerConfig will get updated if you have already started the AOS, but it will not be treated as a batch server.
update SysServerConfig set enablebatch = 1 where SERVERID = '01@NewAOS'
--update SysServerConfig set CLUSTERREFRECID = '5637144576' where SERVERID = '01@NewAOS'
--update SysServerConfig set SERVERGUID = '724181F9-3740-4A6D-8850-3749F514011F' where SERVERID = '01@NewAOS'

update Batch set SERVERID = '01@NewAOS' where SERVERID = '01@OldAOS'
update BatchServerGroup set SERVERID = '01@NewAOS' where SERVERID = '01@OldAOS'
-- BI and SRSS
print '>> BI and SRSS'
select * from SRSSERVERS

-- Execute the below for *each* cube deployed, e.g. 'PurchCube'
 --, DEFAULTDATABASENAME = 'PurchCube initial'
 where SERVERNAME = 'SRV02'

-- Do *each* of your modified db cube databases have the same name?...  Project file location?...
    set CONNECTIONSTRING = 'Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=SRVDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=MicrosoftDynamicsAX'
        --,PROJECTFILENAME = 'C:\Users\usr1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\PurchCube2\PurchCube.dwproj'
        --,PROJECTNAME = 'ZZZCubes'
    where CONNECTIONSTRING = 'Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=SRV02;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=MicrosoftDynamicsAX'
        -- and PROJECTFILENAME = 'C:\Users\usr1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\PurchCube\PurchCube.dwproj'
        -- and PROJECTNAME = 'Dynamics AX'

-- Reporting
update SRSSERVERS set SERVERID = '01@NewAOS',
     SERVERURL = 'http://SRVDB/ReportServer',
 AOSID = '01@NewAOS',
    where serverid = '01@OldAOS'

--It is recommended to redeploy new ODC files (users should ensure all connections strings have correct server names and databases.)
--Redeploy any Enterprise Portal changes that exist in the AOT to the test EP website.

-- Document Management
print '>> Document Management'
select * from SystemParameters


-- Help Server, Performance thingy
Print '>> Help Server, Performance thingy'
select VALUE from SYSGLOBALCONFIGURATION where NAME = 'HelpServerLocation'
update SYSGLOBALCONFIGURATION set VALUE = 'http://SRV01:8080/DynamicsAX6HelpServer/HelpService.svc' 
    where NAME = 'HelpServerLocation' AND VALUE = 'http://SRV02/DynamicsAX6HelpServer/HelpService.svc'
-- Customisations on the AOS?  Check if the max table join limit has been changed but there's no need to update the value
--    where NAME = 'MAXJOINLIMIT' AND VALUE = '26'

--System Service Accounts, AX user accounts
print '>> System Service Accounts, AX user accounts'
select * from SysBCProxyUserAccount
select * from SysWorkflowParameters
select * from userinfo
Select * from sysServerSessions

-- Launch the command line, as we need to update the userinfo where id = 'admin'
cmd.exe C:\Users\jondoe>Whoami /user
Nombre de usuario SID
================= ==============================================
DOMAIN\jondoe     S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1131

-- To obtain other domain user SIDs see (Translates SIDs to names and vice versa)

-- Business Connector
update SysBCProxyUserAccount set SID='S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1132', Networkdomain = 'DOMAIN.INT', networkalias = 'AXPROCON' 
    where SID = 'S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1123'

-- Workflow is activated?
-- update SysWorkflowParameters set EXECUTIONUSERID = 'Admin' 
--    where EXECUTIONUSERID = 'wfexc'

--With a change of domain, update the key users and I suggest to delete all of the other users and reimport.
--Changing the Microsoft Dynamics AX *admin* users account to new Domain Account information 
select SID, Networkdomain, networkalias from userinfo -- where networkalias = '<user_alias>'
update userinfo set SID='S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1131', Networkdomain = 'DOMAIN', networkalias = 'jondoe' 
    where id = 'admin'
-- AXPRODBA --> AOS service account
update userinfo set SID='S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1133', Networkdomain = 'DOMAIN', networkalias = 'AXPROAOS',  NAME = 'AXPRODBAOS'    
    where id = 'oldaxprodba'
-- Workflow account
--update userinfo set SID='S-1-5-21-1362911470-1944611129-2500288337-1132', Networkdomain = 'DOMAIN.INT', networkalias = 'AXPROCON', NAME = 'AXPROCON'
--    where id = 'wfexc'

--Setting Database Permissions for the AOS service account.  Will already be set if you have started the AOS service.
--select * from sysServerSessions  --AOSAccount
update sysServerSessions 
    set AOSID = 'SRV01@2712',
        --, WORKLOAD = '11811151'
    where SERVERID = '1' AND AOSID = 'SRV02@2712'
--The recommended approach would be to remove all records from the sysserversessions table while there are no AOS instances running and have the record recreated as the AOS service starts.
delete from sysServerSessions

-- Workflow
-- Run the Workflow infrastructure configuration again to rebuild the jobs?
Print '>> Workflow'
select * from BATCHJOB where CAPTION like 'workflow%'
select * from BATCH where CAPTION like 'workflow%'
-- Already updated the Batch.SERVERID value, above

-- SysFileStoreParameters Document
print '>> SysFileStoreParameters Document'
select * from SysFileStoreParameters
-- update file store directory?
--update SysFileStoreParameters set FILEPATH = '' where KEY_ = 0

-- Email params
Print '>> Email params'
select * from SysEmailParameters
select * from SysEmailSMTPPassword
-- SysEmailParameters
--update SysEmailParameters set SMTPRELAYSERVERNAME = '', 
-- where KEY = 0
-- password is encoded, and too long to insert here
--update SysEmailSMTPPassword set PASSWORD = '', AOSID = 'SRV01@2712'
--  where AOSID = 'SRV02@2712'

-- Enterprise Portal WebSiteParams
print '>> Enterprise Portal WebSiteParams'
select * from EPWebSiteParameters
--select * from EPDOCUPARAMETERS
--select * from EPPERSONALIZE
update EPWebSiteParameters 
    set INTERNALURL = 'http://SRV01/sites/DynamicsAx'
    , SITEID = '835C2EE4-CBB9-4D6A-8CD6-FE0BD5F2ED51'
    , EXTERNALURL = 'http://SRV01/sites/DynamicsAx' 
    where COMPANYID = 'DAT'
    set HOMEPAGESITEID = '835C2EE4-CBB9-4D6A-8CD6-FE0BD5F2ED51'
    where HOMEPAGESITEID = 'C73610FD-C4CE-4AA7-A501-007B4D8E1BC0'
    , SEARCHSERVERURL = 'http://SRV01/sites/DynamicsAxClientSearch/_vti_bin/search.asmx'
    where HOMEPAGESITEID = '835C2EE4-CBB9-4D6A-8CD6-FE0BD5F2ED51'

    set ROOTURL = 'http://SRV01/sites/DynamicsAx'
    where ROOTURL = 'http://SRV02/sites/DynamicsAx'

-- DMF (Import/Export Framework)
select * from DMFParameters
select ds.*, dsp.*
update DMFParameters 
 set SHAREDFOLDERPATH = '\\SRV01\dmf\'
 --, VALIDATIONSTATUS = 0 -- Juuuust in case
 where KEY_ = 0
-- TODO: Recreate file-formats manually

-- Project Server Integration
Print '>> Project Server Integration'
select * from ProjServerSettings
select * from SyncParameters
-- TODO: Update

-- Fix form cache problems, requires an AOS restart.  Not necessary if Ax Client only ever 'points' to one AX instance
select * from SysSQMSettings 
update SysSQMSettings set GLOBALGUID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

Use at your own risk... But at least I can get the AOS up and running again now.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

AX 2012 SSRS error (rsAccessDenied)

Error while setting server report parameters. Error message: The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
This is a well documented error [1], [2] but this happens all of the time.

1. Open IE on the Reporting Server, with Run as Administator
2. Lets go to http://localhost/reports

3. Select the DynamicsAx installation folder, then Properties, New Role Assignment
Add your AX domain user group or user

4. Check all the checkboxes; Browser, Dynamics Ax Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder.  This is for a development profile.  Be more restrictive for the production environment.
Click OK.
Format: DOMAIN\AXUserGroup
We now have the users added, and there is no need to restart the services to see the changes.

viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Unknown source for data method CrmIntegrationStatus. The method does not exist in the data source or table.

Error. Applying AX 2012, CU6 to an AX 2012 CU1 instance,  the following error was generated after compilation:

Unknown source for data method CrmIntegrationStatus. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Also, we found the following items created in the USR layer?!

Solution: Create the following method in the SalesQuotationProjTable:

// Fix to allow compile of SalesQuotationProjTable form
display NoYes CrmIntegrationStatus()
    return NoYes::No;


Comments to resolve the problem properly most welcome.  In this case new functionality was added with this new version regarding a Microsoft CRM integration, that our client would not be requiring, and perhaps our method should be throwing an 'unimplemented' error.

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


I find myself using the createrecidindex property more and more on my tables in AX 2009, perhaps due to my growing experience with the AX 2012 product.  One small omission from the table properties documentation in the MSDN is the actual name of the index - RecId.

static EVE_NewsTemplate find(RefRecId _refRecId, boolean _forUpdate = false)
    EVE_NewsTemplate      tbl;

    if (_refRecId > 0)

        select firstOnly tbl
            index hint RecId
            where tbl.RecId == _refRecId;

    return tbl;

Reading the AX 2012 best practices it seems to indicate that there is always an index created on the RecId field.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Obligatory Field

I've been working on another team's project and stumbled upon the following version history of a class that I was editing.

Version history comments, by four different authors.

I'm a bit of a Nazi code commentator, I'll admit to that, but 'm'?  I sent an email (containing the letter 'm') to a few of the team members but got no feedback as to what the meaning of 'm' signifies nor if it was part of internal standards or practices.

Happy April Fools Day, says I.